Proper Construction

Proper Roofing

Our number one goal is to keep a roof over your head for the many years to come. We make sure your roof is able to withstand our PNW weather, with waterproofing being our priority.


Pitched Roof

Asphalt Shingle -Metal-Tile

Experience matters when it comes to roofing, and our expert team is well-versed in a variety of roofing materials. Whether you opt for the classic appeal of traditional asphalt shingles, the durability of metal, or the elegance of tile, we have the skills to deliver outstanding results. Our commitment goes beyond just installing your chosen material; we prioritize the essential components, i.e. underlayment, flashings, ventilation and ridge caps, that make a roof truly sturdy and long-lasting.

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Flat Roofing Solutions

TPO-Vinyl Membrane-Torch Down

We understand that flat roofs require specialized attention to ensure proper drainage and prevent water pooling. Our team meticulously installs effective slope systems and incorporates strategic elements such as tapered insulation to promote efficient water runoff. With our expertise, we minimize the risk of leaks, water damage, and premature deterioration. We stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and industry best practices to ensure that your flat roof receives the highest level of care and precision.

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Our Partnerships

It is our identity